The 'I Read The Misadventures of Okk Even Though I don't Know the Artist Personally' Contest!

The name kind of says it all.. I took entries by email, and this is where I place the emails from the winner, and the two runners up.
Of course... only three people entered, but that's beside the point...
THE WINNER: The 'I read The Misadventures of Okk even though I don't know the artist personally' contesthe 'I read The Misadventures of Okk even though I don't know the artist personally' contest

I read The Misadventures of Okk because I have too much free time on my hands. Given X hours of free time per diem, with Y hours per diem being necessary to give life to my dreams of world conquest and Z hours being spent reading The Misadventures of Okk, X - Z < Y. Quite elementary.


P.S. Do you know anyone who might be interested in a henchperson position? I'm looking for smart, intelligent men and women who feel that they can take on the world. Leather outfits or energy weapons a plus.

First Runner Up: I LUV OKK!!!

well, maybe not love him, but i love the comic! ...the manga style drawing... the evil squirrels... the deranged characters... the thumb-wrestling... the crayon-squid... these things all make it so cheesy that it's one of the best webcomics there is! (note: cheesiness is good in this case) i'd rate it up there with NGTI, Freefall, and The Japanese Beetle! yay!!


Second Runner Up: RE: 'I read The Misadventures of Okk even though I don't know the artist personally' contest

Hi. I'm Mike and I read The Misadventures of Okk even though I don't know the artist personally. <*other comic-a-holics gathered in the room mumble, "Hi Mike.*>

Just thought I'd say hello as per your request. I found your strip today via the Funny Papers list. I thought it was quite entertaining and I'll come back to see it again.

--Mike South

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